(as opposed to some other Tim Blevins out there, online or otherwise roaming about?)
Well, this one is a previous PLAYWRIGHT, former FILMMAKER and prior PODCASTER writing his very first children’s book MEDUSA LAROOSA SAYS THE SHOW MUST GO ON. And it’s this ongoing effort that he’s documenting (with all of its neuroses) in his “how to” writing blog IS ANYONE GOING TO SEE THIS?
So, if you’re slightly curious, you can click on this BIO. And, if you’re full-blown inquisitive, you can bound in below…
The post-college template of Rodimus Prime.
I was in the theater when Optimus Prime died. I had no chaperone and no moment to mourn as there was still 58 minutes of TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE to thrill through. So it wasn’t until they returned to their daily TV schedule that I even realized the Autobots would need a new leader. And, as demonstrated by the discount bin at Kay Bee Toys, kids were not a fan.
Predestination verses free will in the original BACK TO THE FUTURE.
Some call it science fiction, others teen comedy but, regardless of genre, Back To The Future is one of the most beloved trilogies of the 20th Century. But beneath its bright nostalgia ticks a darker time piece about lack of choice and the prison of predestination.
excavating and recontextualizing a childhood spent in the 20th Century
The post-college template of Rodimus Prime.
I was in the theater when Optimus Prime died. I had no chaperone and no moment to mourn as there was still 58 minutes of TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE to thrill through. So it wasn’t until they returned to their daily TV schedule that I even realized the Autobots would need a new leader. And, as demonstrated by the discount bin at Kay Bee Toys, kids were not a fan.
This Is Not Your Planet." That’s the title of the graphic novel I’m currently writing? The question mark is there because I'm actually in the process of PRE-writing which, basically , means … brainstorming? Formulating? Trying out titles? In short, it’s not fully realized.