RETRO SHOCK- "Singles: the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" (1992): Bob and Tim spent much of the ‘90s making 90 minute mix-tapes for anyone within earshot. So on today’s episode, they excavate the flannel-wrapped relic that guided this reel-to-reel worship, 1992’s “SINGLES” soundtrack. And, while it resembles a false idol in terms of digital format, it is still the grand template for every playlist that followed.
Episode Summary
00:00:00 - UNLICENSED AUDIO CLIP - “We are loved in Belgium and Italy”
00:00:25 - FALL 1992- Remembering the “SINGLES” soundtrack / “Waiting For Somebody (main title version)”
00:07:17 - GRUNGE MATCH - Pearl Jam vs. Nirvana (and a little Paul Westerberg)
00:20:08 - MIX TAPES - better identities through music
00:26:28 - “WOULD” - the interchangeable grunge voice
00:28:20 - “BREATH” - tracking down underground tracks
00:34:52 - “SEASONS” - anthem of the 90s?
00:36:40 - “DYSLEXIC HEART” - here’s your “Seattle Friends” theme song
00:39:45 - “BATTLE OF EVERMORE” - what DIDN’T make your grunge movie soundtrack? (and also … Jimi Hendrix)
00:45:1 - “CHLOE DANCER/CROWN OF THORNS” - music hunting in high school
00:49:18 - “BIRTH RITUAL” - glam rock begets hair metal begets… grunge music(?)
00:50:26 - “STATE OF LOVE AND TRUST” - Bob had a shitty summer job
00:53:16 - “OVERBLOWN” - subverting the genre
00:58:12 - “WAITING FOR SOMEBODY” - Tim was a self-important teenage (i.e.: teenager)
01:02:25 - “NEARLY LOST YOU” - listening stations (and they already talked about Hendrix)
01:05:24 - “DROWN” - oh yeah … there’s one more track
01:09:17 - 25TH ANNIVERSARY RE-RELEASE - maybe?
01:10:23 - CLOSINGS- Contacts, plugs and no catchphrase / “May This Be Love”
Watch the original theatrical trailer for 1992’s SINGLES HERE
Watch a 1992 interview in which Nirvana sort of offers an opinion on the film HERE
The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies. All rights remain with with their original distributor.
Read the ROLLING STONE article on the upcoming 25th Anniversary re-release of the film’s soundtrack HERE
Hear "Heart And Lungs" by the band Truly, a track cut from inclusion on the original motion picture soundtrack HERE.
This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST! was recorded by ZENCASTR, a high fidelity podcast recording platform that records multiple guests from multiple zip-codes all as if they were in the same room. Log on for studio quality recordings NOW! (exclamation point also provided by ZENCASTR)
“Waiting For Somebody (main title intro)” performed by Paul Westerberg for the 1992 film SINGLES. Hear it HERE
The following tracks are all listed as appearing on the 1992 original motion picture soundtrack to the film “SINGLES”. Certain tracks may also be available on original band releases and other compilations.
“Would?” performed by Alice In Chains
“Breath” performed by Pearl Jam
“Seasons” performed by Chris Cornell
“Dyslexic Heart” performed by Paul Westerberg
“Battle Of Evermore” performed by The Lovemongers
“Chloe Dancer/Crown Of Thorns” performed by Mother Love Bone
“Birth Ritual” performed by Soundgarden
“State Of Love And Trust” performed by Pearl Jam
“Overblown” performed by Mudhoney
“Waiting For Somebody” performed by Paul Westerberg
“Nearly Lost You” performed by the Screaming Trees
“Drown” performed by Smashing Pumpkins
“May This Be Love” performed by Jimi Hendrix
The use of these songs are for entertainment purposes and without the expressed permission of the recording artist.
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Read ROBERT CANNING’s web-comic MY EXAGGERATED LIFE at and his SUPER ULTRA MEGA MIX music blog at . Follow him @rhcanning on TWITTER.
Support TIM BLEVINS’s full length feature film SUBSTITUTE CULTURE at and listen to his daily podcast FIVE MINUTES TO FAILURE available on the OPINION network and ITUNES. Follow him @subcultist on TWITTER and as SUBCULTIST on INSTAGRAM.
20TH CENTURY POPCAST! will return next week with EFFIN’ SPOILERS.