RETRO SHOCK-“Skulls, monkey brains and children in peril … hooray?" (1984): Want to ride the rails of a slave child diamond mine? Maybe insult the integrity of your sole female actress? Or perhaps feast upon some intended-as-exotic and but-racially-offensive cuisine? Then join hosts Bob and Tim as they combat the winter blues by basking in the sacrificial torch-light of this Temple Of Doom.
Episode Summary
00:00:00 - UNLICENSED AUDIO CLIP - "The endearing Willie Scott”
00:00:21 - REMINISCE REUNIONS - The passage of time / “Slave Children Crusade"
00:04:52 - MAY 23rd 1984 - Fedoras for the whole family?
00:18:59 - HATEFUL BOY’S CLUB - the unfortunate caricature of Willie Scott
00:21:23 - INTREPID TREPIDATION - not a well lit memory
00:24:37 - PRESENT DAY (ALSO GOOD MEMORY/BAD MEMORY) - Re-watching our first prequel
00:28:21 - HARRISON FORD WITH A HAT - Is Indiana Jones a consistent character?
00:34:40 - THE BIG DANCE NUMBER an eff you to expectations
00:37:25 - IS THIS SEQUENCE RACIST? -asking the reoccurring question
00:42:03 - TONAL SHIFTS - more screwball than subtle yet still misogynistic
00:51:30 - STILL INDY - and now some good points about the movie
01:03:08 - DARK FORCES OR SCIENCE? - Just what does Indy believe in?
01:07:24 - THE PG-13 COMETH- did this movie impact the ratings system?
01:11:05 - FAMILY FILM NIGHT YAY OR NAY? - Will Bob’s kids see this on Friday?
01:14:27 - GOOD REALITY/BAD REALITY - does "The Temple Of Doom” hold up?
01:16:14 - CLOSINGS - Contacts, plugs and no catchphrase / “The Loco-loco-motion”
Watch the original theatrical trailer HERE.
Watch an original MAKING OF documentary from 1984 in 6 parts stating HERE.
Hear Special Effects Supervisor George Gibbs discuss how they filmed the climactic bridge finale with accompanying animation from the Academy Of Motion Picture Arts And Sciences HERE.
The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies. All rights remain with with their original distributor.
Stream the full length feature “INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM” on AMAZON VIDEO, HULU, ITUNES, VUDU, GOOGLEPLAY and YOUTUBE . All sites unaffiliated with 20th Century Popcast and Calamity House Productions. Rental and subscription rates may apply.
This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST! was recorded by ZENCASTR, a high fidelity podcast recording platform that records multiple guests from multiple zip-codes all as if they were in the same room. Log on for studio quality recordings NOW! (exclamation point also provided by ZENCASTR)
“Slave Children’s Crusade” and “Short Round’s Theme” composed and conducted by John Williams for the 1984 original motion picture soundtrack to “INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM”
“Locomotion/The Loco-Motion” performed by Kylie Minogue off her 1987 debut album KYLIE
The use of these songs are for entertainment purposes and without the expressed permission of the recording artist.
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Follow ROBERT CANNING @rhcanning on TWITTER.Read Read his web-comic at and his music blog at
Follow TIM BLEVINS @subcultist on TWITTER and as SUBCULTIST on INSTAGRAM. Support his full length feature film at and listen to his daily podcast FIVE MINUTES TO FAILURE available on the OPINION network and ITUNES.
20TH CENTURY POPCAST! will (most likely this time) return next week with (most likely this time) BINGE AND PODCAST