BINGE AND PODCAST: “spoon.” (1994) Membership in the Fox Kid’s Club was a demarcation of status to the middle school recess set. Less so to a couple of 19 year olds. Still, that’s not stopping Bob and Tim from flashing their credentials as they revisit a cartoon from their college years, THE TICK. Listen as they talk wing-clad accountants, chair-faced chippendales, shoe-toting paladins and how any of this found its way into a kid’s TV show.
00:00:00 - PRE-SHOW PRATTLE - a little snack
00:00:41 - BOB’S BACK- and the show returns to the ‘90s / “J.A.R”
00:04:21 - SECRET ORIGINS - a brief history of THE TICK
00:08:01 - SECRET ORIGINS II - a brief history of Bob and Tim
00:15:10 - DORM ROOM CARTOONS - a big blue wake-up call
00:22:28 - GLORIFIED COSPLAY - voice-work and character flaws
00:27:01- FALL 1994 - binge watching THE TICK
00:32:34 - THE POPULATED CITY - a cast of adult jokes
00:36:47 - HEY, IT’S TIM CURRY - Thrackazog and are there any jokes for kids here?
00:45:29 - THEY SAVED SKIPPY’S BRAIN - pet mortality and cartoon continuity
00:49:00 - AMERICAN MAID - Feminist character or lazy caricature?
00:55:13 - A LITTLE BIT OF SOMETHING ELSE - Bob sums up some meaning
00:57:05 - CLOSINGS - Contacts, plugs and no catchphrase / “Ain’t Got No Sense”
00:58:50- SPECIAL FEATURES - Snacker’s Delight
Watch the original pilot episode “TICK VS THE IDEA MEN” HERE.
See the episode Bob and Tim were going to talk about, but didn’t (TICK VS THE TICK) HERE.
The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies. All rights remain with with their original distributor.
This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST was recorded by ZENCASTR, a high fidelity podcast recording platform that records multiple guests from multiple zip-codes all as if they were in the same room. Log on for studio quality recordings NOW! (exclamation point also provided by ZENCASTR)
“J.A.R.” performed by Green Day from the 1995 original motion picture soundtrack ANGUS.
“Ain’t Got Not Sense” as covered (and possibly too loudly for this episode’s audio) by Screeching Weasel on their 1993 album WIGGLE.
The use of these songs are for entertainment purposes and without the expressed permission of the recording artist.
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20TH CENTURY POPCAST! will return next week with COMPACT DISC-USSION.