RETRO SHOCK: “Let’s all be like Henry Winkler.” (1994) - It wouldn’t be a discussion on 1994 without discussing the film Pulp Fiction. But you know what Bob and Tim are NOT going to talk about? That damn briefcase. “Its Marsellus’ soul.” “Its a light bulb.” Who cares, let’s focus on Bruce Willis’s pants.
00:00:00 - PRE-SHOW PRATTLE - unlicensed ad break
00:00:28 - ALMOST AT THE MOVIES - with Bob, Tim and 1994 / “Seether”
00:03:17 - OCTOBER 14TH, 1994 - stumbling into a cultural moment
00:08:47 - GOOD MEMORY/BAD MEMORY - and cueing up the soundtrack
00:09:32 - PRESENT DAY - a lengthy piece of entertainment / “Buzzards And Dreadful Crows”
00:12:27 - PRESENT DAY EVENTS - Hate speech and entitled fiction
00:22:30 - SLOW, DRAWN OUT, ENGAGING SHOTS - and a pair of Bruce Willis’s pants
00:31:56 - TIME PIECES (BUT NOT THAT TIME PIECE) - stories out of sequence
00:38:47 - MINUTIA AS METAPHOR - and an empathy for hitmen
00:44:02 - SOCK HOPS, SYRINGES AND JOHN TRAVOLTA- Meta-adventures in Tarantino-Land
00:55:35 - GOOD REALITY/BAD REALITY - and a shout-out to our fan
00:58:43 - CLOSINGS - Contacts, plugs and no catchphrase / “Whipsmart”
Watch the original trailer that got you to see the original film right HERE.
See John Travolta and Uma Thurman take to the dance floor in one of Tim’s favorite moments of cinematic meat-spectacle HERE.
And hear the cast converse about making Pulp Fiction while making Pulp Fiction HERE.
The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies. All rights remain with with their original distributor.
This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST was recorded by ZENCASTR, a high fidelity podcast recording platform that records multiple guests from multiple zip-codes all as if they were in the same room. Log on for studio quality recordings NOW! (exclamation point also provided by ZENCASTR)
“Seether” performed by Veruca Salt off their 1994 album AMERICAN THIGHS.
“Buzzards And Dreadful Crows” performed by Guide By Voices from their 1994 masterpiece, BEE THOUSAND.
“Whipsmart” performed by Liz Phair off her 1994 album of the same name, WHIPSMART.
The use of these songs are for entertainment purposes and without the expressed permission of the recording artist.
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20TH CENTURY POPCAST! will return next week with EFFIN’ SPOILERS.