20th Century Pop! is a podcast that tries to understand the present by living in the past.  Each episode hosts Bob and Tim take a sociological look at the pop culture of the '80s and '90s.  Its a ruining of their childhood that hopefully explains how they became adults.

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HOW DID I MISS THIS?: "Fantastic corns and mythical cheeses." (1982). In celebration of his recently regenerated hit points, Bob and Tim are watching one of Tom Hanks’s earliest roles. But what should be an adventure film just like Willow winds up a Regan-era damnation of fantasy world role-playing. Best to Charisma check yourself before you Charisma wreck yourself as they drag into the dungeon of 80s television programming.

00:00:00  PRE-SHOW PRATTLE - segue of artifice

00:01:00  THE MECHANICS OF OPENING - and exactly what an opposite is

00:07:45  CAMPAIGN SEASONING - and a Bob’s tale of old

00:12:35  DECEMBER 28TH, 1982 - fellowship of the ding-a-lings

00:22:15  T-S-ARRGH - is this how college, kids and role-playing games work?

00:28:52  I BEG YOUR PARDUE - Tom Hanks is loosing it

00:36:22  PANIC! AT THE DUNGEON - (Part Of) The Strange Tale Of James Dallas Egbert III

00:41:58  HALL AND ELEVATORS - and Bob comes full circle

00:49:42   DENOUNCEMENT AND DRAGONS - (The Rest Of) The Strange Tale Of James Dallas Egbert III

00:59:32   CLOSINGS - contacts, plugs and no catch phrase

01:02:49  BONUS BEHIND THE SCENES AUDIO - mic distance  

Campaign hither, come feast of Sol, tis thy bard’s melodic tongue which spouts forth thee verily majestic PROMO FOR MAZES AND MONSTERS.

Kneel before the graven image of J.J.s far too many hats as it accompanies RETRO JUNKIE’S REVIEW OF MAZES AND MONSTERS.

Delve a little further into the unfortunate reality that was twisted into this film’s misguided intent with SUMMER OF SLEAZE: THE EXPLOITATION OF JAMES DALLAS EGBERT III BY GRADY HENDRIX first posted on

Hear some varying opinions on the DUNGEONS AND DRAGON’S SATANIC PANIC in this 2016 RETRO REPORT from the NEWY YORK TIMES.

And finally, parry your mother’s T-Square and strap on that fanny-pack of holding, you’re about to descend into the feature length , TV movie campaign of MAZES & MONSTERS STREAMING FREE ON YOUTUBE.

The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies.  All rights remain with with their original distributor.

This episode of 20TH CENTURY POP! was recorded by CAST, an online audio platform that lets you create and record a multi-guest podcast straight from your web-browser.    

It was then mastered by AUPHONIC, a web-based post-production service that makes it sound like Bob and Tim are worth listening to.  Check out both sights for trial and subscription information.


“Super Poupi ” (opening theme) and "Poupi Great Adventures: The Arcade Game" (closing theme) performed by Komiku from the 2018 album POUPI'S INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES available at   Cleared for public domain use through Creative Commons under a CCO 1.0 Universal License.   

Subscribe to 20TH CENTURY POP! on APPLE PODCASTS, SPOTIFY,  STITCHER and ANDROID or stream it at

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Follow whats not 20th Century Fox with 20TH CENTURY POP! @20popcast on TWITTER.

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Contact the show with any questions, suggestions or possible topics with #20popcast on Twitter or by emailing

Follow ROBERT CANNING @rhcanning on TWITTER. Read his web-comic BOB HAS ISSUES on Twitter @Bobissues.

Follow TIM BLEVINS @subcultist on TWITTER and as @subcultist on INSTAGRAM.  

20TH CENTURY POP! will return next week to hopefully shed some light on what happened to the new podcast that, last week, Tim said would be debuting this week (which will be last week by next week’s standards).