20th Century Popcast is a podcast that tries to understand the present by living in the past. Each week hosts Bob and Tim take a sociological look at the pop culture of the '80s and '90s. Its a ruining of their childhood that hopefully explains how they became adults.

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BINGE AND PODCAST: "Stat!  Clear! Where are the cough drops?!" (1994-1995)  With all the Must-See TV that Bob and Tim must have seen, its a wonder they have yet to discuss the biggest prime-time blockbuster of the '90s, ER.   So today,  with Bob's professional opinion, they are downing a quadruple dose of Stringfield, Clooney, Edwards and La Salle.  But maybe "bypass" would have been the better reference there as Tim self-diagnoses his own hypochondria.

00:00:00  PRE-SHOW PRATTLE - A cast of typos
00:00:51  APPOINTMENT VIEWING - 758 Thursdays of ER
00:06:17  CURATING SEASON ONE - and some hard-core doctor porn
00:12:01 IS THERE A DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE? - or at least one to like?
00:19:21  CRICHTON’S CHAOS THEORY - not just another operating room
00:24:09  NOTHING EVER HAPPENS ON ER - until a holiday, or a blizzard or someone falls on some rebar
00:31:06  GET CARTER - but maybe not Patrick  
00:41:58  GREENE SCREEN - hey, its Bradley Whitford
00:50:49  RESIDENT DOGS - Paging the zeitgeist, paging current auteur of the zeitgeist
00:56:35  CLOONEY TUNES - what’s up with Ross?
01:00:24  Q.T. AS CHARGED - and a shout out to Kevin Smith
01:02:54  FINAL DIAGNOSIS - why did this show have such a life expectancy
01:06:28  CLOSINGS - contacts, plugs and no catchphrase

Arrive ten minutes before the scheduled episode to peruse 25 facts about this show in a waiting room copy of ELLE magazine HERE.

See why Thursdays became Must See through this VULTURE retrospective featuring NBC television executive  Warren Littlefield HERE.

Do a pretty quick round of trope comparison with this ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY article that compared Tarantino's films to his tv directorial debut HERE.

Watch George Clooney's first stint in the ER with this montage from the similarly-named but first-to-be-broadcast sitcom ER HERE.

Witness his dramatic range with this tragic sequence from a late-in-the-series episode of FACTS OF LIFE HERE.

See the surgical medical drama Tim would have preferred to watch this episode HERE.

And finally binge a bit of your own with this AV CLUB-compiled list of 10 great ER episodes to stomach HERE

The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies.  All rights remain with with their original distributor.

This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST was recorded by RINGR (for a change of pace) an online interface for recording live conversations in studio quality.  It was then mastered by AUPHONIC, a web-based post-production service that makes it sound like Bob and Tim are worth listening to.  Log in to take either for a free trail test drive today (or, you know, whenever is better for you).  


“Super Poupi ” (opening theme) and "Poupi Great Adventures: The Arcade Game" (closing theme) performed by Komiku from the 2018 album POUPI'S INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES available at   

Cleared for public domain use through Creative Commons under a CCO 1.0 Universal License


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Contact the show with any questions, suggestions or possible topics at, #20popcast on Twitter and the POP TALK section of

Follow ROBERT CANNING @rhcanning on TWITTER. Read his web-comic at and his music blog at  

Follow TIM BLEVINS @subcultist on TWITTER and as SUBCULTISTon INSTAGRAM.  

20TH CENTURY POPCAST will return next week with the added podcasting power of two more pop cultural podcasters, from COSMIC GEPPETTO and THE FLASH GORDON MINUTE.