20th Century Pop! is a podcast where hosts Bob and Tim take a sociological look at the pop culture of the '80s and '90s.

122 JAWS (1975)

So Bob has been appearing all week on Tim’s second podcast, MÉNAGE Á POP. And on Monday’s edition he discussed his long-time resemblance to one of TV’s FRIENDS, Chandler Bing. Therefore, at the risk of turning today’s glorified rerun into a self-serving tie-in, the two are reposting a conversation on a full third of that same ensemble. Its their clinical re-evaluation of the rollercoaster romance between Rachel Greene and that jerk Ross. Ugh.

Originally streamed on August 31st, 2017.

This episode of 20TH CENTURY POPCAST was recorded by ZENCASTR, a high fidelity podcast recording platform that records multiple guests from multiple zip-codes all as if they were in the same room.   Log on for studio quality recordings NOW! (exclamation point also provided by ZENCASTR)

Portions were then mastered by AUPHONIC, a web-based post-production service that makes it sound like Bob and Tim are worth listening to.  Check out both sights for trial and subscription information.

“Super Poupi ” (opening theme) and “Time For The Walk Of The Day” performed by Komiku from the 2018 album POUPI'S INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES available at   Cleared for public domain use through Creative Commons under a CCO 1.0 Universal License.

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Follow ROBERT CANNING @rhcanning on TWITTER. Read his web-comic BOB HAS ISSUES on Twitter @Bobissues.

Follow TIM BLEVINS @subcultist on TWITTER and as @subcultist on INSTAGRAM.  

Hear TIM's other podcasts MÉNAGE Á POP and INEXPLICABLE BOOK CLUB now streaming at

20TH CENTURY POP! will return next week with an even hornier than High School Zach Morris.