20th Century Pop! is a podcast that tries to understand the present by living in the past. Each week hosts Bob and Tim take a sociological look at the pop culture of the '80s and '90s. Its a ruining of their childhood that hopefully explains how they became adults.
RETRO SHOCK: “Duck, duck, goose-shtep.” (1989) Sagas, trilogies and too many sequels were the marquee ingredients of Bob and Tim’s childhood. So, to start off the new year, they are wrapping up one of their favorites with the final chapter of that definitive 80s action serial, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade. But, as much as their 14 year old selves love it, their current age can’t help wonder if they already saw this one but with an Ark? Oh no … are they really going to ruin The Last Crusade?
0 0:00:00 PRE-SHOW PRATTLE - not scoring that Fitbit sponsorship
00:00:51 NPRISH - and pfffft
00:03:30 MAY 24TH 1989 - a definitive Indy
00:07:33 GOOD MEMORY/BAD MEMORY -and the meta franchise quandary
00:12:10 MODERN DAY - a River Phoenix runs through it
00:21:30 REPLAYS OF THE LOST ARK - is this the origin of fan service?
00:29:10 OH THE HILARITY - Nazi hijinks and bad blue screen
00:39:04 A TOO OILED MACHINE - and staging a love story
00:46:30 OH HENRY … JONES - necessitating that father/son dynamic
00:54:12 OF COURSE THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT RISE OF SKYWALKER - and Good Reality / Bad Reality
00:58:27 NOT JUSTINE BATEMAN’S SATISFACTION - is a finale ever enough?
01:03:43 CLOSINGS - contacts, plugs and no catch phrase
See HOW Hollywood keeps a hat on with the behind the scenes take of the ORIGINAL THEATRICAL TEASER TO INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE.
Then go further behind these scenes with this in depth, half hour THE MAKING OF INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE.
Hear some of Bob and Tim’s own thoughts echoed far more eloquently through this SISKEL AND EBERT AT THE MOVIES REVIEW FOR THE LAST CRUSADE.
Play “What- Might-Have-Been” with a tale of two screenplays as originally analyzed in Mike Fitzgerald’s INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE: LEARNING FROM STOPPARD as featured in the March 24th 2016 issue of CREATIVE SCREENWRITING.
And finally read what could have been as ridiculous as the Kingdom Of The Island Of The Crystal Skull over a decade earlier with this unproduced 1995 draft of INDIANA JONES AND THE SAUCER MEN FROM MARS BY JEB STUART AND GEORGE LUCAS.
The use of audio and video clips linked from YOUTUBE are for educational purposes and without the expressed permission of their legal holding companies. All rights remain with with their original distributor.
This episode of 20TH CENTURY POP! was recorded by CAST, an online audio platform that lets you create and record a multi-guest podcast straight from your web-browser.
It was then mastered by AUPHONIC, a web-based post-production service that makes it sound like Bob and Tim are worth listening to. Check out both sights for trial and subscription information.
“Super Poupi ” (opening theme) and "Poupi Great Adventures: The Arcade Game" (closing theme) performed by Komiku from the 2018 album POUPI'S INCREDIBLE ADVENTURES available at Freemusicarchives.org. Cleared for public domain use through Creative Commons under a CCO 1.0 Universal License.
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Contact the show with any questions, suggestions or possible topics with #20popcast on Twitter or by emailing 20popcast@gmail.com.
Follow ROBERT CANNING @rhcanning on TWITTER. Read his web-comic on Twitter @ExaggeratedMy and his music blog at superultramegamix.wordpress.com.
Follow TIM BLEVINS @subcultist on TWITTER and as @subcultist on INSTAGRAM.
20TH CENTURY POP! will return in two weeks to help Karl Malden vandalize the letter “C”.