Ménage Á Pop is a three times a week intimate discussion between two people and a piece of pop culture.
Science fiction depicts all sorts of tomorrows, from dystopian futures to interstellar federations. But what to call these stories when they suddenly reflect the exact moment you’re reading them in? Its the sort of Space/Time Conundrum that podcaster Jarf Harden experienced via an overdue anthology from his local library. So reverse the polarity of that neutron flow and focus on what he has to say about N.K. Jemisin’s 2004 short story “Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough tomorrows.”
You can listen to today’s guest JARF HARDEN three times a week on his podcast JOE VERSES THE MINUTE streaming on the GROWLER MEDIA PODCAST NETWORK as well as follow his show on INSTAGRAM, TWITTER and FACEBOOK @joevsminute
“Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough Tomorrows” was first published in a 2004 issue of the Canadian SciFi Anthology IDEOMANCER. It has since been collected in the out-of-print anthology MOTHERSHIP: TALES FROM AFROFUTURISM AND BEYOND and, more recently, in N.K. Jemisin’s own 2018 collection, HOW LONG ‘TILL BLACK FUTURE MONTH?.
N.K. Jemisin is the first author to be awarded the Hugo Award For Best Novel three years in a row. The awards were for each volume of her Inheritance trilogy THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOM, THE BROKEN KINGDOM and THE KINGDOM OF THE GODS.
She long balanced her writing career with positions as a Career counselor and psychologist. It was only in 2016 that she founded a Patreon page which allowed her to leave these other careers and focus on writing full time.
In 2016, N.K. Jemisin began writing OTHERWORLDLY, a bi-monthly column on Science Fiction writing for the NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW. While she stepped down from writing it in 2018, her column remained a feature under new authorship, beginning with Nebula award winning author Amal El-Mohtar
N.K. Jemisin has been a very vocal critic of alt-right scifi author Vox Day (real name: Theodore Robert Beale). During her guest of honor speech at the 2013 Continuum Conference she called out his racist and misogynistic practices, successfully grounding his bid for presidential candidacy in the SFWA (Science Fiction And Fantasy Writers Of America) candidacy
Tune back Wednesday for Jarf’s talking head confessional on KELLY KAPOOR’S OFFICE DIRECTORY.
BLACK LIVES MATTER: Support NAACP, the ACLU, THE BAIL PROJECT and THE BLACK VISIONS COLLECTIVE. Visit this NATIONAL RESOURCES LIST for more ways to help and find more podcasts to listen to at PODCASTS IN COLOR. Take a stand for equality and speak out against racial injustice.
This episode of MÉNAGE Á POP was recorded by CAST, an online audio platform that lets you create and record a multi-guest podcast straight from your web-browser. It was then mastered by AUPHONIC, a web-based post-production service. Check out both sights for trial and subscription information.
“Three Ways To Do That” (opening theme) composed and performed by The Madeline Prior. All rights reserved with Not A Holograms podcasts.
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Follow Tim Blevins on TWITTER @subcultist and on INSTAGRAM @subcultist.
Try to understand the present while living in the past with Tim’s weekly podcast 20TH CENTURY POP! at www.nahpods.com/20popcast
For questions, queries or, by random chance, press contact Tim Blevins at subcultist@gmail.com.