Tim Blevins December 31, 2018 20PopCast BEST OF 2018 Tim Blevins December 31, 2018 20PopCast Indulging the self-indulgent retrospective.
Tim Blevins June 7, 2018 20PopCast RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Tim Blevins June 7, 2018 20PopCast #067: We're running out of hat puns.
Tim Blevins May 24, 2018 Pop Polls POP COURT POLL: SOLO V JONES Tim Blevins May 24, 2018 Pop Polls Cast your vote, share your thoughts and and be a part of the pop culture clash of Harrison Ford’s most iconic performance in the HAN SOLO VERSES INDIANA JONES POP POLL. Voting closes a minute after 11:59pm on Thursday May 31st.
Tim Blevins May 24, 2018 20PopCast HAN SOLO VERSES INDIANA JONES WITH BRENT SIMONS Tim Blevins May 24, 2018 20PopCast #066: Space Burt Reynolds takes on haberdashed Magnum PI.