80s movies


Predestination verses free will in the original BACK TO THE FUTURE.

Some call it science fiction, others teen comedy but, regardless of genre, Back To The Future is one of the most beloved trilogies of the 20th Century. But beneath its bright nostalgia ticks a darker time piece about lack of choice and the prison of predestination.


How the original Star Wars trilogy plays as prequel

To many of us, Star Wars is the tale of Luke Skywalker,.  But following its prequels, the story could also be viewed as the fall and salvation of his father, Anakin.  Now, with its third trilogy, Star Wars has presented another protagonist for a new generation.  So, with that in mind, it is curious to consider how the original Episodes now play out as prequels


The Epic Tale of Ishtar (But It’s The One With Warren Beatty) PART ONE

I just spent 4 dollars to stream ISHTAR.  I thought it was streaming for free but, apparently, not on any of the services I pay for.   I haven’t watched it yet.  I actually have never even seen it. And its not like its a required topic for next week’s podcast so, being unemployed and budgeting for the impending winter, just what do I hope to achieve in watching ISHTAR?