2020 / 2019 / 2018 / 2017
Special Episodes
#120: All the excitement of an 80s Sci-Fi family film … but in the old west.
#119: Big screen spectacles Bob and Tim CAN stop watching (Part TWO of TWO)
#118: Big screen spectacles Bob and Tim can’t stop watching (Part ONE of TWO)
#114: Thank something its Friday with episodes of Full House, Family Matters, Perfect Strangers and… ahm… Going Places (?)
#113: A socially distant discussion on 12 Monkeys, Night Of The Comet and … somehow … Waterworld.
#107: Trying to get home for Holiday episodes of Full House, A Different World and The Golden Girls
#105: Big screen hits that became small screen failures.
#104: Scary stories of Houdini’s ghost, satanic recordings and arcade cabinets of the dammed.
#102: Trying to understand the appeal of C Grade cinema.
098: Tackling one of their favorite (and the other’s least favorite) college albums.
#095: A deep dive into the hot mess of a rom-com question mark.
#090: Watch out and don’t cry over Christmas episodes of MacGyver, Knight Rider and Beverly Hills 90210.
#089: Talking through the entirety of a sentimental Skeletor special.
#084: All about staking vampires, detonating werewolves and enlisting your younger sister for a sacrifice.
#082: Why this film is supersonic. It’s idiotic. It’s disconnecting... not respecting. Why … it’s Teen Witch.
#075: 3/4s of a meaningful anniversary.
#071: Foul-ups, bleeps and ... wait, why are we broadcasting these?
#066: Space Burt Reynolds takes on haberdashed Magnum PI.
#060: And not talking about Flash Gordon.
#058: Another rattled off hit-list of equal in height fidelity.
#053: Lighting up a nicotine stained, vulgarity-strained debut album.
#051: How to miss the most colossal efforts of the 20th Century.
#050: Another pointless demarcation of exaggerated merit
#044: Sucking the Life Day out of the first true follow-up to Star Wars.
#043: Holiday Cheer with Perfect Strangers, Family Matters and … well. .. Cheers.
#038: Awakening some existential demons with the Peanuts gang.
#031: Struggling with the art when you struggle with the artist.
#025: Pointless digital accomplishment marker is a-go … go.
#023: Giant tape decks, tiny airplanes and whatever that Sharkticon was supposed to be.
008: There are TWO Terminators … and Billy Crystal makes a woman meow.
Special episodes
Bellying up to The Replacements first B-side “If Only You Were Lonely.”
Not the normal type of episode but the necessary one to move forward.
#128: Beach on earth, good will toward Mitch.